Now showing items 465-484 of 670

      Gender differences in access to credit by small and medium enterprises in Uganda [1]
      Gender differences in farmers’ perceptions of maize invasive pests and weeds and their management practices: a case of Kamuli district [1]
      Gender differences in risk perceptions and management strategies among small scale holder farmers “A case of Butambala County" [1]
      Gender disaggregated impact of farm characteristics and safety practices on milk income in Bushenyi district [1]
      Gender disparities in accessing resources and services among organic farmers [1]
      Gender disparities in maize productivity among smallholder farmers: case of Kaproron sub county, Kween district. [1]
      Gender Effect on Banana Production in Kikagati subcounty Isingiro district [1]
      Gender roles along coffee value chain in Namayumba sub county in Wakiso district [1]
      Gendered milk production in Ibanda district Western Uganda [1]
      GIS-aided soil mapping of fallowed land for improved nutrient management on a ferralsol at MUARIK [1]
      Greenhouse climate, plant organ temperature, and quantum yield [1]
      Growth and yield response of broccoli to irrigation techniques and different plastic mulch thicknesses on a ferralsol [1]
      Growth and yield response of carrot to soil amendments and spacing [1]
      Growth and yield response of cowpea to rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer application [2]
      Growth and yield response of lettuce to different nutrient sources and organic mulches [1]
      Harnessing gender roles in the dairy value chain to improve productivity: a case study of Bubaare sub county, Mbarara district [1]
      Hass avocado production amongst small scale farmers: a case of Namayumba, Masuliita and Kakiri sub countities in Wakiso district. [1]
      Hatching induction of Globodera spp. cysts isolated from soils planted with potato [1]
      How has COVID-19 pandemic influenced the trends and changes of agricultural foods and dietary choices of Ugandans? [1]
      Identification of improved cassava varieties for early bulking appropriate for planting on tropical soils [1]