Now showing items 531-550 of 673

      Knowledge gaps on fertilizer use among farmers and fertilizer dealers in Mubende district [1]
      Knowledge, adoption and effects of biosecurity measures on commercial farms in Tororo district. [1]
      Knowledge, attitudes and practices of expressing breast milk among working lactating mothers with infants less than 6 months. [1]
      Knowledge, perception, and switching options for small scale rice farmers when adopting the wetland use policy [1]
      Land suitability evaluation for maize in Alakara mixed farm, Kaberamaido district, Eastern Uganda. [1]
      Land use and soil conservation practices used by farmers in Suam sub county, Bukwo district. [1]
      Large scale land acquisition and effects on rural livelihoods; ‘A case of oil exploration districts of Buliisa and Hoima in Uganda [1]
      Long term rainfall analysis to guide irrigation interventions for improved maize production in Masindi district [1]
      Maize price changes and effect on farmer’s income [1]
      Marginal analysis of soya bean production in Agali Sub-county, Lira district [1]
      Market access among soya beans farmers in Mayuge district, Bukatube Sub county [1]
      Market access constraints among smallholder citrus fruit farmers in Soroti district [1]
      Marketing and efficiency of raw beef supply in Kampala [1]
      Morphological and molecular diversity of progenies derived from reverting and non-reverting sweet potato genotypes [1]
      Morphological and pathogenic characterisation of fungi associated with berry necrosis on robusta coffee in Uganda [1]
      Morphological and yield attributes of seven cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotypes [1]
      Morphological and yield traits of elite soybean genotypes in Uganda [1]
      (Mukasa, D 2023). Assessment of profitability of sugarcane growing among contract and non-contract farming systems in Butemba Kyankwaqnzi district. (unpublished undergraduate dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala Uganda. [1]
      Nodulation, biomass and yield of erect type cowpea genotypes in Uganda [1]
      The nutrient and soil water status of a ferralsol in a broccoli field under different water management practices on a footslope position [1]