Now showing items 11-20 of 33
Smallholder farmers in Tubur Sub-county Soroti district
(Makerere University, 2021)
The productivity of common bean is still low due to some of the challenges and constraints being faced by farmers. The aim of this study was to understand the challenges and constraints facing smallholder common bean farmers ...
Assessment of technical efficiency in dairy farming among small scale holder farmers in Buhweju district
(Makerere University, 2021-04-08)
Over the past two decades, the Ugandan dairy sector has exhibited remarkable technological
development. This process of technology adoption has implied significant changes in dairy
farming production system. The models ...
Impact of post-harvest handling technologies on the income of small holder maize farmers in Kasese district
(Makerere University, 2021-04)
This descriptive cross-sectional survey investigated the relationship between Post-harvest handling technologies and maize farmers’ income in Kasese district. The survey had three objectives including: determining the ...
Impact of improved maize seed variety use on profitability of smallholder maize farmers in Kamuli district.
(Makerere University, 2021)
Improved maize seed varieties are a great contributing factor in addressing the challenges of low maize yields for most rural households who continue to suffer from low maize productivity as a result of poor technologies ...
The role of saving and credit cooperatives in improving the production of maize among small scale farmers in Mukono district
(Makerere University, 2021)
The study was carried out to assess the role of saving and credit cooperatives in improving the production of maize among small scale farmers in Mukono district. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the role of ...
The effect of watermelon production on smallholder farmers’ welfare in Pakanyi sub-county Masindi district
(Makerere University, 2022)
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of watermelon production on the welfare of
the smallholder farmers in Pakanyi Subcounty in Masisndi District. The specific objectives of the
study were, To determine ...
Assessing the adaptive capacity of smallholder cropping systems to climate change in Kakooge Sub County, Nakasongola District
(Makerere University, 2019)
Climate change will exacerbate challenges facing food security in Nakasongola. Increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events will further impact upon cropping systems. At the heart of the impending challenges ...
Factors affecting pineapple production:A case of smallholder farmers in Kayunga district
(Makerere University, 2022)
Pineapple (Ananas cosmos) is a horticultural crop grown in Africa and Uganda in the central
region of Mukono, Kayunga, Luwero, and Masaka. Pineapple is produced exclusively as a
small-holder crop, either as a sole crop ...
Effects of post harvest handling technology on maize income among smallholder farmers in Nwoya district: a case of Anaka sub-county
(Makerere University, 2023-08-22)
This descriptive cross-sectional survey investigated the relationship between Post-harvest handling technologies and maize farmers’ income in Nwoya district, Anaka sub-county. The survey had three objectives including: ...
Characterization of upland rice (Oryza sativa l.) growth and cultural practices in relation to biophysical factors among smallholder farmers in Namalemba sub county in Iganga district
(Makerere University, 2023-01-10)
A rice (Oryza sativa L.) crop functions as a population of tillers produced at different times and possessing specific growth characteristics not as a homogeneous population of plants. The objective of this study was to ...