Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Assessment of drought patterns in Uganda: A case study of Gulu district.
Drought has many negative related impacts and has also been identified as the most challenging
climatic hazard and a food threat in Uganda. This study characterizes both meteorological and
agricultural drought and also ...
Evaluating the Infleunce of Drought on Water Availability in Longoromit Dam, Karamoja Region.
(Makerere University, 2022-11-10)
Droughts are one of the most prevalent types of weather-related disasters, characterized as
extended periods of below-average water availability. The immediate consequences of drought
include water-supply shortages ...
Evaluating the influence of drought on water availability in Longoromit dam, Karamoja region.
(Makerere University, 2022-11)
Droughts are one of the most prevalent types of weather-related disasters, characterized as extended periods of below-average water availability. The immediate consequences of drought include water-supply shortages especially ...
Assessing the water resources' potential and appropriate technology for water supply in drought prone areas
(Makerere University, 2022-03-14)
The volatile changes in climate are increasingly becoming a threat to many economies globally.
This study assesses water resources’ potential and appropriate technology for water supply in
drought prone areas. The ...