Now showing items 61-70 of 117
Density and location optimization of Nomadic Nodes in Heterogenous networks.
The exponential growth of data-hungry devices accompanied by the dynamic variation in cellular network hotspots due to user mobility leads to varying coverage and capacity requirements. Even with the changing capacity and ...
Automated Scheduling And Room Allocation System Using Constraint Optimization.
As the number of students joining higher institutions of learning increases per year, the facilities and infrastructure of the institutions aren't increasing meaning that they tend to be overwhelmed. This brings about ...
Design and analysis of a casting die for the Artivon engine components.
Manufacturing sector has played a peripheral role in Uganda’s market-driven growth
trajectory. The share of manufacturing in GDP improved from 6.3% in 1982 to 8.4% in
1997. Thereafter, it declined to about 7 percent, ...
Design and Implementation of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based Urban Air Quality Monitoring System
Air pollution monitoring has recently become an issue of utmost importance in our society. This
is due to the growing air pollution concerns and related respiratory illnesses caused by the air
pollutants. Assessment ...
Assessment of the performance of Lubigi sewage and faecal sludge treatment plant,
80% of wastewater released into the environment is without adequate treatment. As such, nearly 2 billion people in the world are exposed to diseases such as dysentery and cholera. One method for treating faecal sludge is ...
Calibration of Kimber's roundabout capacity estimation model for local conditions.
(Makerere University, 2021-02)
Roundabout entry flow is influenced a number of factors namely; traffic flow characteristics, geometric parameters of the roundabout, vehicle and driver characteristics, together with, environmental conditions. The major ...
Assessing the adequacy of low impact development practices in mitigation of urban flooding
(Makerere University, 2021-02)
Globally flash floods are a major challenge in urban areas causing serious risk to life and
infrastructure.They are aggravated by climate change,urbanization and insufficient drainage
infrastructure.This is particularly ...
Application of Bromilow's Time - Cost Model to Predict Construction Project Duration for Multi-Storey Commercial Building Projects in Kampala Central
Practitioners and researchers have long recognized the significance of time and cost of construction
as crucial to project feasibility assessment and budget allocation decisions. Therefore it is
imperative for clients ...
PHY security improvement of a threshold-based multiuser selection scheme using co-operative jamming
This thesis investigates the secrecy performance of a transmit antenna selection with threshold-based selection diversity (TAS/tSD) using co-operative jamming and with the existence of passive eavesdroppers. Two practical ...
Resilient and resource-efficient Service Function Chains in 5G Networks.
This is a research based project on resilience and resource efficient service function
chaining in future networks.
It addresses the challenge on how to guarantee survivability of critical services
while efciently ...