Now showing items 260-279 of 369

      Microbial Evaluation of Pineapple Slices using Different Drying Methods. [1]
      Microbial safety of locally produced spices in Uganda [1]
      Microbiological quality of soft serve ice cream sold in Makerere University, Kikoni and Wandegeya [1]
      Microbiological safety, nutritional profile and adequacy of composite porridge flour used in a selected school feeding program in Kamuli District [1]
      A mobile app to identify ginger pests and diseases and to link farmers to buyers [1]
      (Mugumya, D 2022). Factors associated with Malnutrition among children admitted to Mwanamugimu nutrition unit, Mulago Hospital.( unpublished undergraduate dissertation) Makerere University, Kampala Uganda. [1]
      (Naggita, A 2022 ) The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on the food choices and dietary patterns of adults living in Kawempe division (Unpublished Undergraduate Dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala Uganda [1]
      (Nakirijja E. 2023) Effect of thermophilic composting on the microbial and physiochemical properties of sludge. [1]
      Nantaba, V. Prevalence and factors associated with food insecurity among HIV positive adults attending art clinic at Mulago National Referral Hospital [1]
      Nutrition And Academic Performance of Primary School Children in Kampala Uganda [1]
      Nutrition composition, Functional and Sensory properties of Oysternut grown in Uganda [1]
      Nutrition knowledge and practices of among pregnant women aged 15-45 years attending antenatal care at Ndejje Health Center Ⅳ in Wakiso district. [1]
      Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of caregivers, the nutrition status of children under 5 years admitted and the acceptability of a fish-enriched meal to caregivers at Bundibugyo general hospital. [1]
      Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of fruit consumption among school going children aged 9 to 11 years in urban primary schools in Kampala District [1]
      Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices on consumption of fruits and vegetables on female University students 18-30years: Case study: Makerere University students. [1]
      Nutrition status of primary school going children aged 6-12 years: a case of Kira Primary School [1]
      Nutritional awareness among secondary schools students in Maganjo – Wakiso district [1]
      Nutritional composition and sensoric acceptability of wheat bread supplemented with soybean flour, maize bran and maize germ [1]
      Nutritional composition for the three jackfruit types grown in Uganda [1]
      Nutritional Composition, Anti-oxidant Potential and Shelf Stability of Mint Flavored Passion Fruit Juice [1]