Now showing items 48-67 of 369

      Caregivers' knowledge, attitude and practices towards management of diarrhoea among children below 5 years in Luwero district [1]
      Characteristics and acceptability of mint flavored coffee syrup [1]
      Characterization and Rheology of Chayote (Sechium edule) Fruit Flour as a Potential Food Thickener [1]
      Co-digestion of water lettuce with cow dung to produce biogas [1]
      Comparative assessment of the performance of a biomass pasteurizer versus an electrical one [1]
      Comparative evaluation of three hermetic storage technologies on post-harvest quality of stored sorghum grains [1]
      Comparative performance assessment of micro-rain spray, over-head sprinkler and drip irrigation systems at Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo [1]
      A comparative study of the nutritional quality of fast foods from three restaurants in Kampala city [1]
      Comparative study of the performance of rice husk bio char to sand filters in water treatment [1]
      A comparison of dietary intake among international and national students in Makerere university [1]
      Comparison of the effectiveness of chameleon sensors and watermark sensors in irrigation scheduling [1]
      Complementary feeding practices of children aged 6-23 months in Uganda: A case of acute severe malnutrition patients in Mulago National Referral Hospital [1]
      Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the production process of an atomized egg spray dryer [1]
      Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Ugastove Charcoal Cookstove [1]
      Conditioning coco-peat as a greenhouse vegetable growth medium [1]
      Consumption of sugar sweetened beverages among Makerere university students. [1]
      The Contribution of adolescent motherhood to malnutrition in children aged 6 to 23 months in Kampala district, a case of Kisenyi. [1]
      The contribution of Religious Leaders towards Nutrition Advocacy in Semi-Urban and Urban Communities in Kampala [1]
      Design and construction of a cocoa seed grinder [1]
      Design and construction of a mobile coffee hulling and cleaning machine for small scale farmers [1]