Now showing items 215-234 of 369

      Gendered impacts of climate change among smallholder farmers in Mpatta Sub-county, Mukono district [1]
      Grain Characteristics of Different Sorghum Lines [1]
      Groundwater investigations and modelling for domestic use [1]
      Harnessing E-commerce’s Potential in Food Product Marketing: A Case Study of Products Produced under the Makerere University Food Technology and Business Incubation Center (FTBIC). [1]
      Hydraulic modelling of the Bwaise drainage system for stormwater management [1]
      Hydrological modelling of river Manafwa basin for irrigated agricultural development [1]
      Hygienic Practices and Microbial Quality of Sugarcane sold in Polyethene bags on Kampala streets [1]
      Identifying the specific galactagogues used by mothers during postpartum to enhance breast milk production [1]
      Impact of COVID19 pandemic on consumption of fruits and vegetables among adults aged 18-59 years, a case of Katwe Kinyoro, Makindye division, Kampala district [1]
      Impact of land use change on surface runoff in Kampala: A QGIS-based SCS-CN method [1]
      Impact of land use land cover within a micro watershed on well water quality in Mulanda Sub-county [1]
      Impact of participatory post-harvest training of farmers on post-harvest losses of maize in Kibbumba Zone in Kamuli district [1]
      Improving safe water access through automation of groundwater into gravity flow scheme [1]
      Influence of food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of small-scale processors of commercially produced Ice Cream in Kampala [1]
      Influence of fruits and vegetables consumption on selected antropometric indices of undergraduate students of Makerere university. [1]
      Influence of knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers on the microbiological quality of tomato sauce in Kampala [1]
      Integration of pressurized irrigation suitability maps in estimating current and future irrigation water demand for the Nyamugasani catchment [1]
      Integration of surface irrigation suitability maps in estimating water demand for allocations in the Kafu catchment. [1]
      Investigating the effect of anaerobic co-digestion of fecal sludge and cooked food waste for biogas production [1]
      Investigating the effect of co-vermicomposting of fecal sludge with jackfruit waste on the physio-chemical properties, nutrients, pathogens, and heavy metals of final compost. [1]