Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Labor optimization system
(Makerere University, 2021-04-26)
The Labor optimization System will provide a solution to the problem of labor underutilization and labor over utilization in many organizations in Uganda which may at first not seem as a big issue to business and yet it ...
RaiD - A system for automated abnormality detection in chest radiographs
Medical imaging techniques such as X-rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) scans are widely used to diagnose several medical conditions ranging from broken bones to detecting cancer tumors in ...
The idealcrop system
(Makerere University, 2021-12)
This report is for the implementation of the IdealCrop System, from its design to completion. It is a web-based machine learning application that provides a service to farmers or farm managers, enabling them to make informed ...
Explainable artificial intelligence and deep transfer learning for skin disease diagnosis
(Makerere University, 2023-06)
This Report aims at describing a tool that can potentially be used to support institutions, research, and patients in the implementation of focused remedies, based on quantifiable and Prescaler elements, for interpretable ...
Physical violence detection using a deep-learning model
(Makerere University, 2023-07-18)
Physical violence-related crimes are rampant in Uganda and the rest of the world. These include; muggings, beatings, robberies, assaults and so many others. As a result, citizens feel extremely insecure and fear night ...
An AI intelligence Student Assessment System
(Makerere University, 2023-07-18)
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has paved the way for innovative approaches to educational assessment. This report presents the development and implementation of an AI-based student assessment ...
Intrusion detection system using artificial intelligence and machine learning
(Makerere University, 2024-06)
In Cyber security, the safeguarding of digital assets against malicious intrusions stands as a paramount concern. This report explores the development and evaluation of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) leveraging a ...
A machine learning algorithm for micro-credit coring
(Makerere University, 2024-06)
The increasing adoption of mobile money services has paved the way for innovative financial solutions, particularly in the realm of micro-credit. This study introduces a Mobile Money Micro-Credit Scoring System designed ...
A Machine Learning Algorithm for Micro-credit Scoring
The increasing adoption of mobile money services has paved the way for innovative financial solutions, particularly in the realm of micro-credit. This study
introduces a Mobile Money Micro-Credit Scoring System designed ...