Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices of slum dwellers towards integrated solid waste management in Hoima Municipality
Introduction: Solid Waste Management is one of the most neglected areas of development in most developing and transition economies of the world. Municipal solid waste management constitutes one of the most crucial health and environmental problems facing Governments of African cities and towns including Hoima Municipal Council due to poor institutional arrangements, poor technologies and the capacity to handle wastes.
Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of slum dwellers towards integrated solid waste management in Hoima Municipality.
Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional study with both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection was employed. Quantitative data was obtained from 138 respondents by use of structured questionnaires administered by the researcher and use of observational checklists and it was captured in EPIDATA version 3.02 computer software and analyzed using StataSE 13 software version. Qualitative data was obtained by use of a key informant guide and focus group discussions and have been presented using descriptive statistics like frequencies.
Results: Majority 92% (127/138) of the respondents knew about the dangers of poorly managed solid waste, but they had negative attitudes towards solid waste disposal and, (82.6%) of the respondents pinpointed the Municipal Council authorities that it is their duty to see that there is no garbage in the area, and 71 % (98/138) of the respondents had never been sensitized about solid waste management. Waste disposal practice was unsatisfactory with 29% (40/138) burning the waste and4.4% of the respondents just scattering the waste anywhere and (97.1%) don’t sort out the solid waste.
Conclusion and recommendations: Majority of the respondents had never been sensitized about solid waste management and had little knowledge and poor attitude about waste collection by pinpointing the Municipal Council authorities that it is their duty to see that there is no garbage in the area. Also, the majority of the of the respondents dispose of their waste by burning, scattering and they were not sorting out the solid waste.
From the above, strict surveillance, sensitizations, supervision and timely removal for disposal of solid waste by management should be the key factors in managing and reducing on the solid waste related problems.