Car antitheft
It was noted that there is rampant theft of vehicles in the country and car owner have found it difficult to locate there stolen cars.
In this project, we come up with a car anti-theft system to resolve this problem. The operation and use of this application is described in the following sections of this document.
Section one of this documents describes the background and scope of the project including an overview of the car anti-theft system.
Section two of this document contains system specifications, version of requirements and version control, system inputs, output, functionalities, limitations and safety, default settings, special requirements plus errors and alarms.
Section three of this document contains the system design output including implementation tools, utilities for validation and testing process, inactive codes left behind if any and documentations produced to help the developers and system users
Section four of our report contains inspection and testing issues including inspection plans and performance, the test plans and performances done, the objective for this respective tests, the relevancies of these tests carried out, the scope of the tests, levels and types of tests, the sequences of tests, configuration tests done on the application, calculation tests, regression tests, traceability tests, precaution, anomaly conditions in the system and the precautionary tests taken.
Section five gives the system installation and acceptance tests including the inputs used, supplementary files used, installed components and installation qualification.
Section six gives details on system performance, servicing, maintenance and phase out.
Section seven finally contains final conclusion from the development team and there recommendation to both the system users and the university and finally appendix section which contains the user guide for the application