Effects of home garden agroforestry on people’s livelihoods in peri-urban areas of Kampala: Case study of Nakawa Division
A study to elicit the knowledge effects of home garden agroforestry on people’s livelihoods in peri-urban areas of Kampalawas carried out in Nakawa division Kampala District between June and July 2017. The specific objectives were to: (i)To inventory home garden agroforestry trees and crops in the study area. (ii) To examine the contribution of home garden agroforestry to food security and incomes of the households. (iii) To examine the challenges faced by households practicing home garden agroforestry in Nakawa Division.Cross sectional socio-economic surveys was used to collect data in which questionnaires having both open and close ended questions, key informant interviews and focus group discussions were conducted. Questionnaires were coded and entered into SPSS program and analyzed for the preferredPractice, Maintenance and contribution of home garden agroforestry. Home garden agroforestry contributed to the economy of Nakawa division by providing food security and household’s income generation. Management of home garden agroforestry was being constrained by the high growth of household’s sentization techniques and good relationships between the community and stalk holds in the division. Utilization of home gardenshad a positive significant attitude on household’s willingness to keep and manage it. Indeed many respondents were motivated to retain home gardenson their homes such as home gardens due to the attraction of visitors and food security and income generation of households which were obtained from it since they have a very big positive impact on households and well-being. There is urgent need to formulate and implement laws and policies to guide and promote agriculture and commercialization of FAO like some home gardensand this should be spearheaded by institutions like Uganda Food agriculture Organization (FAO) and Community Based Organizations and backed by the provision of both financial and management support. All communities should maintain and sustain these home gardens through establishment and maintenance of commercial gardens containing some important tree and crop species. This may be one of the most effective avenues or enhancing the keeping and managing of home garden agroforestry.