Influence of automated teller machines on clients satisfaction: A case study of selected banks in Bwaise Sub-County, Kawempe Division, Kampala
The automated teller machines are becoming trendy because of the associated benefits such as convenience as a result of less paper work, reduced fees and privacy in banking. However, people using automated teller machines as a conduit of service continue to face challenges such as queuing for long on automated teller machine points, inability to question the machine and lack of training on how to use the machine. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of automated teller machines on clients’ satisfaction, a case study of selected banks in Makerere university-Bwaise sub county- Kampala district. This research was guided by three objectives: to find out the factors that influence level of satisfaction, to find out the benefits of using automated teller machines and to find out the challenges facing clients using automated teller machines. The study was conducted at centenary rural development bank-Makerere branch, Post bank Uganda
Limited –Makerere branch and Stanbic bank-Makerere branch. The study used convenience sampling design because the respondents happened to be in the right place and right time. Clients of the selected banks formed the study population. The study revealed that majority of the clients associated convenience with 80% as the major benefit from usage of automated teller machines.
Convenience takes the form of location at various onset and offset premises of banks. The factors that influence level of satisfaction with usage of automated teller machine are convenience, reduced card fees and privacy in banking. Also most clients using automated teller machines faced a challenge of retention of the card by the machine (59.8%) and queuing for long on automated teller machines. This is attributed to lack of guidance on how to use the machine. It is recommended that banks should give basic training on how to use the automated teller machine to cater for those who did not go to higher levels of education to increase their awareness about usage of automated teller machines. An increased level of education is associated with increased satisfaction with usage of automated teller machines since the elites prefer privacy in banking.
The network for E-banking should also be improved so as to address the challenge of queuing for long on automated teller machine points. More so there should be allocation of more automated teller machines in different locations to address the challenge of queuing for long on automated teller machine locations.