Adoption of improved cooks in Akokoro Sub County Apac District
Adopters of improved cook stove technologies (ICS) argue that the use of these technologies offers several benefits such as improved health, fuel saving, reduction in greenhouse gases emissions among others. Many of the studies exploring the use of improved cook stoves reveal a strong pro-diffusion bias towards these benefits, and few studies have investigated the adoption and use of ICS from the adopter’s point of view. This quantitative case study therefore attempted to understand the perceived factors that explicitly or implicitly influence the adoption (or not) of Improved cook stoves at household level by listening to potential ICS users. From the study, it was evident that adoption and sustained use of cook stoves is complex and it necessities consideration of a wide range of factors which mutually the influence house hold decision to adopt (or not) an improved cook stove. Consequently, this study emphasized the need for those promoting ICS to have a deeper understanding of the context in which potential adopters are part, and gain insight into the complex factors that govern behavior and provide a basis for doing things in a certain way, in order to ensure adoption and sustained use of ICSs and thereby realize it’s associated long term benefits.
From the result its clearly shows that many people were aware about ICS (72.50%) of the respondents and there was only two type of ICS that are being promoted and adopted by the local people of Akokoro Sub County and it include Okello Kuc and Rocket stoves types, with Okello Kuc with the highest percentages of adoption (53%) and rocket stove with (47%). The results also revealed different factors that determines the choices of a particular stove such cooking ability, fuel saving, durability and portability and it also revealed various factors that limits adoption of ICS such cost of improved cook stoves, lack of information about ICS and not available in the area