Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Communication difficulties in children with cerebral palsy aged 2 to 5 years having language impairments at Dawn Children’s Centre, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2021-01)
Cerebral palsy is a neuro- developmental condition comprising a group of permanent disorders of movement and posture that are attributed to non- progressive distances of the developing infant brain. (Pakula et al, 2009)
CP ...
Situational analysis of the current quality control and quality assurance measures in x-ray units of selected hospitals in Kampala
(Makerere University, 2021-11)
Introduction; appropriate quality control and quality assurance programs should be put in place to minimize hazardous risks of radiation to X-ray equipment operators, patients and the public. A quality Assurance program ...
Communication difficulties among children aged three to six years diagnosed with language impairment(s) at Beanstalk Day Care and Nursery
(Makerere University, 2021-01)
Introduction: In Uganda, Communication difficulties and speech-language disorders are existing in the communities. These difficulties are among the most common of childhood disabilities, affecting about 5%-8% of children ...
Knowledge on radiation dose and associated risks among Final Year Medical Students at Makerere University
(Makerere University, 2021-12)
Introduction: Diagnostic radiological investigations are rapidly increasing worldwide and hence the need for justification of such procedures by the respective medical referrers. To achieve this, health professionals must ...
Communication difficulties among adults with traumatic brain injuries attending Mulago National Referral Hospital, Neural Clinic
(Makerere University, 2021-02-03)
Traumatic brain injuries are common among adults and they result in disabilities which may include communication difficulties. These communication difficulties affect the way of life of individuals in several ways. Objective: ...
Analysis of x-ray film reject in diagnostic radiology department at China- Uganda Friendship Hospital, Naguru (CUFH)
(Makerere University, 2021-11)
Plain x-ray radiographic examination is an integral part of radiology imaging department even in era where computed and digital radiographs are gaining importance. Still in the developing countries about 60% ...
Management of communication difficulties in children aged (3-5) with cerebral palsy at Mulago Peadiatric Neuro Clinic
(Makerere University, 2021-01)
Communication difficulties are common in Cerebral Palsy and are frequently associated with motor, intellectual and sensory impairments. It was estimated that half the population of children with CP have one or more impairments ...
Patients’ knowledge, perception and practices of the radiological services provided by radiographers at Kawempe Referral Hospital
(Makerere University, 2021-10)
There has been an increase in the global application of medical imaging in the diagnosis, monitoring and treating medical conditions. Since the advent of medical imaging, several measures have been taken to ...
Radiation safety awerness and implementation among radiography students and staff at Mulago Hospital Radiology Department
(Makerere University, 2021)
The recent dramatic evolution and increased use of ionizing radiation-based diagnostic imaging modalities, such as multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT), has led to a multiplication of the number the radiological ...
Adherence to radiation protection measures in paediatric imaging with plain x-ray among radiographers at Mulago National Referral Hospital
(Makerere University, 2021-12)
INTRODUCTION; Radiation protection refers to the science and art of protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. Patient radiation protection is described as all activities directed ...