Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Management of communication difficulties in children aged (3-5) with cerebral palsy at Mulago Peadiatric Neuro Clinic
(Makerere University, 2021-01)
Communication difficulties are common in Cerebral Palsy and are frequently associated with motor, intellectual and sensory impairments. It was estimated that half the population of children with CP have one or more impairments ...
Communication difficulties in children with Cerebral Palsy who are aged 2-7years and having learning disability at Katalemwa Cheshire home for Rehabilitation services
(Makerere University, 2022-09-10)
TITLE: Communication difficulties in children with Cerebral Palsy who are aged 2-7 years and
having learning disability at Katalemwa Home for Rehabilitation.
AIM: To determine the receptive and expressive language skills ...
Communication difficulties among children aged 4-16 years diagnosed with cerebral palsy having motor speech disorders at hill preparatory school Naguru.
(Makerere University, 2023-06)
Introduction. Communication difficulties among children with motor speech disorders are highly increasing. Individuals with Cerebral palsy have a characteristic profile of language and communication strengths and difficulties. ...