Records storage and retrieval at Nakasero Secondary School
The study examined the storage and retrieval of school records as the major aim at Nakasero Secondary School in Lubaga Division Kampala district Uganda. This was for the purpose of identifying the gap in records storage and retrieval at NSS so that the identified gap will be filled with proper storage and retrieval practices.
The objectives of the study were: to identify the categories of records managed at Nakasero secondary school, find out how records are stored and retrieved at NSS, find out challenges associated with storage and retrieval at NSS, and to suggest strategies to avert those challenges at NSS.
The study reviewed relevant literature on the concept of the study from secondary sources which include text books, journals, and magazines websites among others.
To collectively carry out the study, the researcher used cross sectional research design which was both qualitative and quantitative based on the nature of data collected. Data was collected from the Head teacher, Director of studies, school bursar, secretary, and librarian and School nurse, teachers by use of interviews, observation and document analysis. They were nine in number.
Findings of the study revealed that Nakasero Secondary School records storage and retrieval is improper since their records are managed by people with no skills in records management and their records are destroyed by rodents because of over piling them due to small storage space which gives rodent a chance of hiding in dark corners. Based on the findings, it was recommended that NSS put much efforts in ensuring that records are properly stored and retrieved, there should be adequate training of its staff through attending records management forums, seminars, workshops to gain skills on how records should be stored and retrieved for better operations of the school.
The researcher also recommended microfilming its paper records which occupy large storage space and purchase of high quality storage equipment that does not allow rodents to eat records as key aspects which ought to be implemented so as to ensure proper storage and retrieval of school records