Remuneration, work environment and performance among the employees at Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement in Kamwenge District, South Western Uganda
This study examines Remuneration, Work Environment and Performance among the
Employees at Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement in Kamwenge District South Western Uganda. This
chapter in particular provides the background to the study, the statement of the problem, the study
purpose, objectives of the study, the research questions, scope of the study and the significance of
the study.
This particular study has disclosed that Remuneration affects work performance of
employees at Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement in Kamwenge District South Western Uganda and
that for an employee, remuneration can be inform of incentives on salary, bonuses, recognition
from supervisor or organisation and trainings/workshops to improve skills. On the other hand,
work environment has a direct impact on performance of employees.