Enhancing Security Of Information Resources At African Leadership And Reconciliation Ministry, Uganda
This study aimed at designing guidelines for enhancing security of Information resources at African Leadership & Reconciliation Ministry (ALARM). Library users at ALARM, especially the new users who do not have enough skills in utilizing and accessing library materials find problems whereby they have to inquire from fellow users on what the library requires them to do and Most of the new users do not know how to borrow the reading materials, working hours, plus the rules and regulations of the library which leads to lack of effective security measures the library’s collection.
A case study research design was used and a qualitative research approach adopted in the study. A sample size of 100 respondents was used consisting of both the ALARM staff and users while adopting a qualitative research approach in discussing findings. The survey research method was employed. Questionnaires & interviews were the main instrument for data collection. Frequency, tables, percentages is the main statistical tools used for data analysis. Results of the analysis showed that the organizational library books are stolen and mutilated due to inadequate library materials, financial constraint and selfishness on the part of library users.
It was also discovered that various methods were adopted for insecurities of the library books which include: tearing of book page(s) off, removing of the book jacket cover, hiding of books under their clothes and their pockets. The study concluded that the library needed guidelines for enhancing security of information resources at ALARM, Uganda.
Some recommendations were proffered to eradicate insecurities in special libraries. Some of these recommendations are: that Organizational library should provide photocopying services to enable the library users photocopy books that are few in the library. The study also recommends that Organization management should provide adequate library materials to meet the information needs of their users.