Factors affecting tobacco production in Kigorobya Sub-County-Hoima District
The research investigates the factors affecting Tobacco production in Kigorobya sub
county-Hoima district. The main purpose of this research is to find out factors
affecting Tobacco production and how they can be solved to enhance the Tobacco
production industry in Kigorobya and Uganda at large.
The main objective of the study is to find out factors affecting Tobacco production in
Kigorobya Sub County. Other specific objectives of the study include, to find out the
socio-economic, Environmental and political factors hindering Tobacco production in
Kigorobya Sub County.
This research was also conducted using several methods such as, interview method,
use of questionnaire, Observation of phenomena, Photography, recording and under
the secondary methods, library research was used in order to enrich this research.
There are various factors that have been found out that affect Tobacco production in
Kigorobya sub county, and these include the Socio-economic factors such as low
selling prices, limited capital, insufficient labour, poverty, lack of processing and
storage facilities, unregulated transport networks, market instability among others.
The environmental factors hindering Tobacco production in the area include; pests
and diseases, low amount of rainfall, Heavy sunshine, poor and infertile soils among
others, the cultural and political factors also include failure to set constant prices,
failure to provide startup capital, negligence to source for tobacco market, Failure to
construct road networks, failure to maintain security and failure to solve land
However, despite the above factors that have been identified, there are also
recommendations that have been fore-fronted in order to solve such factors in order to
increase Tobacco productivity in the area, most of these are addressed to the
government and these include; provision of good quality Tobacco seeds, regulating
and setting Tobacco prices, provision of capital to Tobacco farmers, youth
development programmes, construction and maintenance of road networks, sourcing
for adequate Tobacco market, sensitizing and educating farmers about Tobacco
growing, solving of the prevailing land wrangles and also maintaining security in the