Managing faith based tourism in Uganda: A case study of Namirembe and Lubaga Cathedral
The purpose of the study was to assess the management of faith based tourism in Uganda; a case
study of Namirembe and Lubaga Cathedral. The study was guided by the following objectives; To
identify the management systems used at Namirembe and Lubaga Cathedral, To examine the effect
of management on faith based tourism in Namirembe and Lubaga Cathedral, To examine the
effects of resource mobilization on faith based tourism in Namirembe and Lubaga Cathedral, and
To establish the effects of accountability on faith based tourism in Namirembe and Lubaga
The study findings show that most activities done at the cathedrals are determined by management
team based on the resources available for faith-based tourism and this shows that the management
of faith based tourism is done by the small management teams in place based on the available
resources. The study findings further indicate that the budgeting process is not given much
attention and emphasis it deserves. Most of the churches in the diocese operate without budgets.
Some churches do not have budgets on which they plan and execute their activities from; they
simply spend the money as it comes in without any standard budget document.
It is recommended that the management of Namirembe and Lubaga cathedrals set up financial
management guidelines among others for all the church faith based projects in the diocese in order
to be organized, and professional. The researcher further suggests that similar studies should be
conducted in other cathedrals and Dioceses throughout the country for comparison purposes and
other studies; this could also help in solving problems related to financial management in Faith
Based Organizations.