Personality, organizational culture and political behavior of employees of Kampala Capital City Authority
This study sought to examine the relationship between Personality, organizational culture and political behavior of employees of Kampala Capital City Authority. The study looks at a relationship between Personailty and Political Behaviour, then Personality and Organisational Culture and finally Organizational Culture and Political Behaviour. Data was analyzed using person’s rank correlation coefficient and results denote significant positive relationships between personality and organizational culture (r=0.226, p<0.01), organizational culture and political behavior (r=0.194, p<0.01) but a negative relationship between personality and political behavior (r=-0.293). The study concludes that personality-cultural fit is vital for the realization for positive organizational outcomes like job performance, job satisfaction and employee retention.
However, organizations should pay extra attention to the personalities of the people they bring on board during recruitment sessions. They should check the potential adaptability of the new recruits to the organizational culture. In addition, organizations should look out for Machiavellian personalities. On the other hand, organizations should establish clear work procedures and guidelines so as to minimize manipulation of organizational systems and protocol.