The value of River Waki to local communities in Butiaba Sub County, Buliisa District
This study provides valuation of river Waki in Bulisa district Western Uganda. It
is the general perception that, compared to the biological economic and ecological aspects of river
fisheries, this particular subject area has received relatively little attention. Economic valuation is
concerned with finding expression for what is important in life for human society. It should,
therefore, be a central and integral part of government decision-making and policy. The study
started with concepts and methods for valuation. Market price method was used to determine the
value of river Waki. The study estimated the economic value of resources obtained from River
Waki. Data was obtained from focus group discussions, published sources, and interviewing
respondents from Butiaba Sub County.
The different categories or resource users were identified and the resources extracted by them
documented. The net annual income of River Waki was determined and its contribution to
household income.