Assessing the significance of valuation data management
Valuation data management is an important pillar in the development of the valuation sector and the real estate sector at large. Data is a key component in carrying out valuation since it is the one that helps to arrive at valuation conclusions.
Data management refers to the development and execution of architectures, procedures, policies and practices that fully manage the data cycle needs of an organization or firm. In this project, data management techniques are studied so as to provide a variety of techniques that may be adopted in the future to boost the valuation and the real estate sector of Uganda as a whole. It will also help improve on the validity of valuation conclusions.
Data was collected and analyzed, secondary data collection included written sources such as, newspapers, magazines, the internet, both published and un-published materials among other materials. Primary data entailed questionnaires and interviews which were administered to employees within valuation firms.
The study established that the introduction of data management innovations has a direct impact on the future of the valuation sector and the real estate sector of Uganda. It further noted that providing a variety of these innovations will increase the validity of results arrived at in valuation of properties and will lead ensuring of trust in values arrived at thus more decision can be made based on these valuation results.