The effect of planned procurement on service delivery. (A case study of Nansana Municipal Council, Wakiso District)
The main objective of this study was to assess the role of planned procurement on service delivery in Nansana Municipal Council. The study further had two specific objectives which included; the establishment of a relationship between planned procurement and service delivery and also find out the factors that influence service delivery.
Only secondary sources of data was used in this study. This data included the amount of money that is annually spent on service delivery and procurement for a period of 10 years from 2008 to 2017 at Nansana Municipality in Wakiso district. To establish the relationship between procurement planning and service delivery, Spearman rank correlation will be used. This scientific test was used because the two variables mentioned in this relationship are monotonic in nature. To achieve the second specific objective; “find out the factors that influence service delivery in Nansana Municipality,” a linear regression model was used for analysis.
Study results showed that; a Pearson’s correlation results showed that there is a strong positive significant correlation between planned procurement and service delivery (rp =0.611, n = 48, p >0.05). This implies that the more amount of money that has been spent on the procurement process this increases the amounts of resources (money) that is annually budgeted for service delivery at Nansana Municipal Council.The regression results showed a statistically significant positive relationship at (at 5 percent level of significance) between the planned procurement and service delivery in this study since its P-value is less than 0.05. The regression results in further showed a statistically significant negative relationship at (at 5 percent level of significance) between the monitoring and evaluation and the service delivery in this study since its P-value is less than 0.05. The study therefore recommends that all stakeholders must ensure they are accountable in whatever decision they make concerning the use of public resources. Because procurement is one area that needs careful attention from all stakeholders in local governments because it has a huge budget and if this budget can be managed in an accountable manner, then there will be improved service delivery and this is one way of accounting to the tax payers. Managers must endeavor to ensure that the processes and