Prevalence of urine cytological abnormalities as seen among mothers attending Naguru Hospital Antenatal Clinic
Urine cytologic abnormalities are abnormal findings in the urine which can be diagnosed microscopically. Their presence may indicate the presence of UTI or STI and may present in the form of pus cells, red blood cells, TV, casts and Candida etc.
This study was conducted with the following specific objectives:- to determine the proportion of urinary abnormalities among pregnant women attending CUFH, N antenatal clinic, to determine the proportion of pregnant women attending CUFH, N antenatal clinic who are having with urinary abnormalities, to determine the commonest abnormality seenin urine among pregnant women attending CUFH, N Antenatal Clinic and to establish the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of pregnant women attending CUFH, N Antenatal Clinic and their urine cytological abnormalities.
This was a prospective cross sectional descriptive laboratory based study which employed asystematic consecutive random sampling method for selection of pregnant women who attended antenatal clinic at Naguru hospital. Urine was collected and wet prep done, the urine which presented with urine cytologic abnormalities was centrifuged and the deposit was put into a smear which was stained with both pap and diff quick.
A total of 423 pregnant women aged between 15 years to 43 years who were pregnant and attended Naguru hospital antenatal clinic. The mean age of the participants was 25.64 years (S.D 5.03). The most affected age group with urine cytologic abnormalities was the pregnant women below 25 years.Majority of these women had attained at least secondary education. Majority of these women were renting. Most of the participants were married. Self employed women exhibited the highest prevalence of abnormalities as compared to other occupational groups.
Residence and occupation had significant statistical relationships with the urine cytologic abnormalities with p values of 0.037 and 0.044 respectively. 45.4% of the pregnant women had urine cytologic abnormalities. The prevalence of pus cells was 73.5%, RBCs 4.9%, casts 1.8%, TV2.3% and Candida 17.5%. The most common urine cytologic abnormality was pus cells.
Conclusions and recommendations.
Occupational groups and residence of participants are the only demographic characteristics that exhibited a statistical significant relationship withthe urine cytologic abnormalities (p value 0.044 and 0.037 respectively). The proportion of pregnant women with urine cytologic abnormalities was 45.5%. Pus cells accounted for 73.5%, Candida 17.5%, RBCs 4.9%, TV 2.3% and casts 1.8%.The most prevalent urine cytologic abnormality was pus cells.
A similar study with a bigger sample size and employing superior techniques such as urine culture, gram stain and polymerase chain reaction should be carried out in the same set up and also in other Regional and National referral hospitals.
There should be continuous sensitization of pregnant women to create awareness about the existence of these various urine cytologic abnormalities and the adverse effects they confer both to them and their unborn children so that the urgency for them to participate in the study is felt which would increase the turn up.