Percieved risk for breast cancer and confidence in performing a breast self examination among women attending Buwambo Health Centre IV, Wakiso
Background: Breast cancer is among the commonest cancers among women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women posing a public threat. It is hypothesized that a realistic perception of breast cancer risk would motivate individuals to perform health protective behaviors appropriate enough for the respective levels of breast cancer risk, hence facilitating early detection and treatment .Therefore the purpose of this study was to determine the perceived risk for breast cancer and confidence in BSE performance among women attending Buwambo Health Centre IV, Wakiso district.
Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at Buwambo health Centre IV. A sample of 226 women were enrolled, data was collected using interviewer administered questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Both univariate and bivariate statistical analyses was conducted.
Results: The mean age of women was 31.46 (8.85) and most 46.9%had attained secondary education as the highest level of education. Knowledge on signs and risk factors of breast cancer was highest on breast lumps with 148(65.5%) and heredity nature of breast cancer with 163(72.1%) respectively. Risk perception of majority was low 46% and confidence was low 34.9% for majority of the women. Bivariate analysis displayed significance relationships of confidence with risk perception, education and marital status.
Conclusion: Participants were knowledgeable on signs of breast cancer but however lacked enough knowledge on most of the risk factors for breast cancer, failed to correctly display risk perception and still lacked confidence of performance. BSE performance was rather low. From this health workers are recommended to enhance knowledge teachings on content concerning breast cancer.