Assessement of awareness and attitude of the community towards wetland conservation
The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of community awareness and attitudes
on wetland conservation in Rukiiri Sub-country, Ibanda district.
The method used for data collection was interviews which were administered to 70 respondents
of which 60 were local community members and 10 were local leaders and district officials to
achieve all the objectives. Field observation and photography were also used as supplementary
data collection efforts. The findings suggest that 84.3% of the respondents interviewed were
aware of the services and functions provided by wetland while 15.7% were not aware. This
indicates high level of awareness of wetland functions. This need for conservation of the
wetland was supported by 82.6%, from both kyanguhanda and Katehe,75% from Rwobuhungye
parish from shifting their activities from wetlands, 17.4% from kyanguhanda,25% from
Rwobuhungye ,16.7% from Katehe parish were not willing to conserve the wetland despite its
uses, values and benefits. Wetland reclamation was supported by 15.7% of respondents,
34.3%respondents did not support wetland reclamation while 50% of respondents didn’t mind
about reclamation of wetlands. Concerning means through which information about wetland
conservation received by people, 76% of respondents heard it on radios, 10% of respondents read
it in newspapers, 4.3% of respondents heard it from local leaders, 10% of respondents saw it on
televisions The study results show that awareness is still low, attitude is relatively positive
though participation is low. The study therefore, concludes that environmental organisations and
institutions are not effective since local communities revealed less awareness and there is low
mass involvement into wetland conservation activitiesthus the research recommended that
sensitization of the people about the wetland legislation, management and sustainable utilization
should be undertaken ,alternative land should be looked for to ensure that people carrying out
activities like brick laying and agriculture farming may shift from wetlands to these places
transforming in wetland conservation as well as public participation should be enforced in order
to punish the law breakers all the geared towards wetland conservation and management