Knowledge, attitude and practices towards femidom use among female youth within the age group of 20-24 in Kampala: (a case study of Katanga)
Advocacy of the female condom emerged in the context of growing evidence that heterosexual intercourse was placing women at increased risk of HIV infection. Since the approval of the Femidom in the United Kingdom and the United States of America in 1992 and 1993 respectively more than 90 developing countries have introduced the fc to the public. this study‟s objectives are to examine knowledge, attitudes and practices towards femidom use among female youth with in the age group of 20-24 in Kampala. This was a cross-sectional survey in which the calculated sample size (n) was 200. Data was collected using interview schedules. The study concluded that there are wide spread perceptions that influenced uptake of the FC among women in Kampala, Male Condoms are more preferred than the FC, absence of the FC in the local market and high costs of the FC were two factors that influenced its accessibility, there were wide spread social-cultural and economic factors that influenced acceptability of the FC and the FC is not being effectively utilized among the same group. This study recommended that the Government of through the Ministry of Health (MOH) to; allocate funds for implementation of a long term FC promotion program, identify and address weaknesses in the FC supply chain, subsidize the price of FC, target men in the promotion of FC and review lessons learned from findings of studies carried out in the global community on utilization of FC and use these findings as a basis to develop a strategic plan that will ensure effective utilization of the FC.