Assessment of records storage and retrieval systems: Case study of Ministry of Tourism Wild Life and Antiquities Security Registry
The research will be intended to study the existing system of storage and retrieval of records in the SR of MTWA. The study will aim at identifying the types of records kept, procedures used for storage and retrieval, identifying the challenges of the existing system, establishing how the identified challenges can be solved and finally proposing a new records storage and retrieval system for the registry. The study will review the existing literature on the topic of the study; it will examine the importance of records management, types that they will be storing in the registry, the storage facilities they will be using, procedures for storage and retrieval of records challenges of the existing system and the solutions to the challenges.
The research will be conducted in MTWA Security Registry. The researcher will interact with the registry staff through a focus group discussion, observation and document Analysis. The researcher will also use a questionnaire to collect information from the users such as the action officers. The study will establish the types of records the registry keeps, procedures for storage and retrieval, the current system in terms of storage, retrieval and security.