Assessment of the effects of drug abuse on academic performance and transgression among students in makerere university
The report looks at the drug abuse situation among university students at Makerere University.
The main objective was to examine the effects of drug abuse on academic performance and transgression among students in Makerere University.
A chain referral sample of 50 Makerere University students who use drugs was selected and interviewed. These students were found in drinking places around kikoni.
The results showed that there is a relationship between drug abuse, academic performance and transgression among students. The results also showed that 44 students have ever used drugs and majority of these were male.
In conclusion, drug abuse leads to low academic performance and high transgression among students in Makerere University. The university should develop a strict drug policy and sensitize the students accordingly. Transgressions relating to drug abuse should be handled swiftly and should attract strong disciplinary actions that criminalize drug use.