The impact of quality services on customer satisfaction in insurance. A case study of UAP Insurance Company Limited
The major aim of this research project was to demonstrate the impact of quality services on the general satisfaction of customers in insurance companies in Uganda. This research focused on establishing the level of internal customer and external customer satisfaction and insurance service delivery quality in Uganda. Specifically the study aimed at determining the impact of service delivery quality on customer satisfaction in Uganda, and also to establish perceived service quality that contributes to customer satisfaction in Uganda.
The study was underpinned on the dissonance theory and problem statement hinged on key customer satisfaction factors. A descriptive survey design was used in studying the research problem. The target population included 50 respondents where by only 40 managed to give responses. The respondents were comprised of both staff and customers of UAP Insurance Company Limited: The researcher collected quantitative and qualitative primary data by use of open and closed ended questions in questionnaires that were subjected to by a drop and pick criteria. Descriptive data analysis with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 and further refine in Microsoft excel was done, and presentation established by the help of mean, frequency and percentile tables and also by use of column and pie charts. From the 50 distributed questionnaires, 40 were filled and returned, giving a response rate of 80%. Majority of the respondents representing 62.5% came from the staff category, while the remaining 37.5% came from the customer category. However, there was a special category that overlapped the two categories. Over 50% of valid internal and external customer respondents indicated that they welcome the treatment they get within their line of duty; and further attributed job security, accommodative culture and employer appreciation as the main contributing factors.
To further improve internal customer satisfaction, most of the respondents recommended lowering of job related stress and improving working conditions among others. The study recommended that insurance firms should focus on enhancing employees reward systems and more staff training to increase motivation among the employees and improve insurance service delivery.