Assessing storage and retrieval of semi-active records at Security Registry, Ministry of Internal Affairs
A study was carried out on assessing the storage and retrieval of semi active records in the Security Registry at MoIA. The objectives of the study were; to establish the current status of storage and retrieval of semi active records at Ministry of Internal Affairs; to find out how the storage and retrieval of semi active records at Ministry of Internal Affairs are managed; to identify the challenges of storage and retrieval of semi active records at Ministry of Internal Affairs and to make suggestions for the best practices in storage and retrieval of semi active records at Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The researcher purposively sampled 33 respondents including 5 record officers, 10 administrator and 18 Support Staff. Data was collected using interviews, observation and document analysis. The study established that MoIA generates a number of records which range from policy records, register of workers, fiscal records, legal records and reporting documents.
The storage and retrieval mechanisms of semi Active records at MoIA included filing, shelving, classification, indexing, coding, dispatch and tracking of records.
It was found that the study identified a number of challenges in the storage and retrieval of semi active records which included poor maintenance of the registries, lack of adequate resources, inadequate qualified staff, misfiling or misplacing records, limited storage equipments, poor handling of information materials and inadequate funds
The study recommended provision of more storage equipment, providing more space, encourage digitalization in the registry, employing qualified personnel and creating staff awareness on the importance of records, training the existing staff, increasing the funds given to the resource of MoIA and proper handling of information materials.