Growth performance of larvae of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) fed on Napier Grass plant protein extract as a replacement for fish meal extract
A six-week experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of partially and completely replacing fish meal with a plant protein from Napier grass. Proximate composition of Napier was determined; composition ±SD, 17.9±0.81, 14.95±0.03, 36±0.16,6.01±0.43 and 93.98±0.43 for %crude protein, %crude fat, % crude fiber, % Moisture and % dry matter respectively. Five diets of varying inclusion levels of Napier; 0% Napier, 25%Napier, 50% Napier,75% Napier and 100% Napier were tested on Nile Tilapia fry (initial body mass ±SD 0.09±0.00). Proximate composition of the formulated deists showed results of; %CP±SD, 20.9±0.36, 25.35±1.48, 29.16±0.00, 31.51±0.11 and 35.85±0.85 for 100% Napier, 75% Napier, 50% Napier, 25% Napier and 0% Napier and there was a significant difference in the % CP contents at P<0.05. The growth performance was best in 0% Napier inclusion level and 25% Napier inclusion level. Growth was poorest in the fish group that was given the 100% Napier diet and intermediate between 50% Napier and 75% Napier diets. Growth rates, SGR and condition factor all showed no significant difference at P<0.05