A disaster preparedness programme for information resources at Makerere University Main Library
The project study was about developing a disaster preparedness programme of information resources at Makerere university main library. The objectives were: to identify the types of disasters which are a threat to information resources at Makerere university main library, to investigate challenges faced in disaster preparedness at Makerere university main library, to develop a disaster preparedness programme of information resources at Makerere University main library.
The purposive sampling method was used to select 20 library staff who were; Library assistant, Library assistant security, Electrician, Binders 1&2, Librarians II and Senior Librarian from Africana section, IDA section, Law section, Periodical section, Bindery section, Reference section, Security section, Technical section and Digitization section.
Purposive sampling method was used to select 3 librarians to get involved in the study. Qualitative research approach method was used for data collection and techniques were triangulated used to carry out the study that is to say, observation and interview method. Data analysis was done using tables.
The findings of the study revealed the following as the types of disasters which are a threat to information resources as fire, biological agents, floods, and explosions, collapse of the library building, vandalism risk, terrorists attack, and mutilation of information resources.
The findings of the study revealed the following as the challenges faced in disaster preparedness as inadequate money, inadequate technology, and inadequate awareness of the library staff on possible disasters, inadequate collaboration between the library staff, inadequate firefighting equipment, no disaster repetitive instructions and inadequate security staff.
The study developed a disaster preparedness programme for Makerere university main library which included four elements namely disaster prevention, preparation, response and recovery.
The recommendations made from the study; the available fire extinguishers in the library should be checked at regular intervals, regular building inspection, the university should allocate more funds, the library should insure the staff, resources, facilities with the full mandate of the university and regular fumigation of book shelves.