Retail marketing strategies influencing the bread producers in Masaka Region
The study aims at assessing the retail marketing strategies influencing the bread producers in Masaka region. The research was guided by three objectives that include; establishing the retail marketing strategies adopted by producers in bread industry, determining the factors that influence the choice of retail marketing strategies adopted by the producers in Masaka and finally to determine whether these strategies have given the bread producers a competitive advantage. The methodology emphasized on a quantitative research design. The study was conducted in Masaka region covering Masaka bread producers, further still, non-probability sampling techniques were utilized that included purposive sampling and convenience sampling approaches because. The findings showed that on the extent of Adoption of Retail Marketing Strategies respondents agreed that the following had been done to a very large extent. The bread products companies; were to a large extent committed to the retail strategy (4.64). with respect to geographic segmentation, they further had regional splits e.g. Rural and urban sales regions (4.64). Further still on the environmental factors the choice of marketing strategy analysis revealed that legal factors, diversification, competition, technological changes, economic changes, social factors, environmental factors and legal factors had prompted to a large extent, strategic moves, within the past five years (3.70, 4.00, 4.10, 4.00, 4.00, 3.60, 3.67 and 3.70 respectively). The findings of the study, revealed that, no one company can operate without clear strategies on how to achieve its goals and objectives. Thus it is anticipated that the study will be of benefit to the bread products company managers in articulating retail marketing strategies aimed at winning and retaining retail customers. The study also added value to the existing body of knowledge in the area of retailing; strategic responses companies should adopt in order to gain a competitive advantage. It is important therefore to note that, the retail sector is constantly changing so fast that those companies who do not innovate with time will ultimately lose substantially. It is an evolving industry which must cope with the various changes taking place