The level of adoption of agroforestry in Mafubira Sub-County Jinja District
The main objectives of this study were to identify the agroforestry practices implemented by people in Mafubira sub county in Jinja district, to describe the benefits derived from agroforestry and challenges faced after implementation of agroforestry.
To achieve these objectives three villages in Mafubira sub county were selected as the sites for the study because they are more accessible and have more farmers in the sub county.
This research is descriptive study using quantitative cross sectional design (that is respondents were examined once and at a single point in time) which is necessary for obtaining numerical data. Primary data was collected using a survey questionnaire consisting of structured questions. Closed ended and Likert scales questions were employed and the questionnaire was divided into four sections. Various respondents were drawn from the three villages depending on the number of households.
SPSS software was used to process the data extracted from the questionnaires after being carefully sorted and coded and the results were displayed in tables and percentages.
This study revealed that:
Some farmers in Mafubira sub county were aware and practicing some agroforestry practices majorly being Agrisilviculture.
The highest percentage of those implementing agroforestry were having improved and reliable sources of food and also an extra source of income.
The major challenge they were facing was that the animals destroy crops and trees at a tender stage and also the long tree gestation period.
Findings from this study will provide information to policy makers, local leaders and local farmers on the awareness and benefits of implementing agroforestry.