Examining the preservation and conservation of students Academic Records: Case study Shimoni Teacher's College
The purpose of this search project was to examine the preservation and conservation of student academic records at shimoni teachers college and the major objectives or study were to identify the current status of the students records kept at shimoni teachers college, assess how the student academic records are managed, identify the challenge of preservation and conservation and suggestions to the best practice. The methodology of study used was qualitative research design. A sample of 37 students and staff was used to complete the research. There was the use of the different research tools like questionnaire guide which was used mainly to collect data and observation
The data collection method used was interview, observation and questionnaires. Data was analyzed and present according to each objective as seen above. The study revealed that shimoni teachers had no disposition policy, a disaster plan and conservation and preservation policy was also not in place. It was observed that all students’ academic records were being preserved a conserved in offices where are filed in box file and put on the shelves within the office.
And the recommendations to the college were to set up a record office for students’ academic records, design a policy for the record preservation and conservation, and design a disposal policy to be used as a guide for preservation and conservation of records of the college
Therefore from the study, it realized that shemoni teachers college needed to allocate more resources and standards to improve on the preservation and conservation of the students records
There should also be more concern added in preserving and conserving the students records since majority of the records created are students records like transcripts, examination results and admission letters and there should be digitization that should be applied in the preservation and conservation of the student records hence protecting the authenticity and confidentiality of the student records