Factors affecting agroforestry adoption by farmers in Nebbi District: A case study of Arata Rac Farmers Group in Kucwiny Sub-County, Nebbi District
This is a report of a study conducted about the adoption status of agroforestry practices in Kucwiny sub-county, Nebbi District. It examined the types of agroforestry practices that exist in the area, to assess factors that influence adoption of agroforestry practices, to evaluate the benefits of agroforestry farming practices to households in Kucwiny sub-county, Nebbi district and to identify measures to improve the adoption of agroforestry systems and technologies by the community in the study area. The target population was the farmers while households were the units of analysis. Purposive sampling was used to select the study area and the key informants, while simple random sampling technique was used to select the 40 respondents that participated in the study. A semi-structured questionnaire, key informant interviews, and direct observation were used for data collection. Data was analyzed both qualitatively (through descriptions and narratives) and quantitatively (through descriptive statistics). Results indicated that agri-silviculture, mixed intercropping and home gardens were the common agroforestry practices; level inadequate knowledge, pests and diseases and drought influenced negatively the adoption of agroforestry practices; lack of technical information on agroforestry and/or contradicting information, land limit, limited sources of information including low extension services, and lack of seeds and seedlings also influenced adoption of agroforestry practices at the household level. Results further showed that most household engaged agroforestry practices for economic, environmental, medicinal and livelihood benefits. The study concluded that although agroforestry benefitted farmers, they would gain more if they improved on the current agronomic practices. The study recommends provision of various information sources to farmers, sensitization and training on agroforestry practices that would optimize benefits for the households.