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dc.contributor.authorMawanda, Mukuye Ronald
dc.descriptionA Dissertation submitted to the College of Natural Sciences In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Chemistry of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the impact of land use activities on the environment in Ntenjeru parish, Kayunga District and the specific objectives were to identify the major land use activities in Ntenjeru parish, assess the impact of these land use activities on the environment and identify strategies for coping with land use change impacts on the environment in Ntenjeru parish. The study applied both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection to collect data from a sample of 396 respondents. The study found out that land use activities which included lumbering, urbanization, and road construction, grazing, afforestation, farming, brick laying, pottery and mining significantly affect the environment. It was also found out that the land use activities significantly change the fertility of the soil but do not significantly cause soil erosion. The strategies to deal with the impacts of soil erosion were afforestation, controlled grazing, and mulching. The study concluded that the serious land use activities in Ntenjeru are; lumbering, road construction, grazing, afforestation, farming, brick laying, pottery and mining. Land use have been found to have serious impacts on the environment such as changes in soil fertility and leading to soil erosion. It has been noted that no serious soil erosion control measures has been identified however, a few have been noted such as; contour ploughing, terracing, controlled grazing, mulching, afforestation, shift cultivation, restoration of wetlands, gazetting of forests, protection of river banks and lake shores, organic farming. The study therefore recommends that the government should put strict rules and regulations against the degradation of the environmenten_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectLand Useen_US
dc.subjectNtenjeru Parish Kayungaen_US
dc.titleThe impacts of land use activities on the environment in Ntenjeru Parish, Kayunga Districten_US

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