Guidelines for preservation and conservation of library collections for All Saints University Lango
This study was designed to look at the preservation and conservation of Library Resources in All Saints University Library. The objectives were: To find out the techniques and practices of preservation and conservation of library collections being used at ASUL library, to find out the problems faced in preservation and conservation of library collections in ASUL library and to suggest solutions to the problems of preservation and conservation of library collections in ASUL library. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study, and ten (10) librarians were sampled. Questionnaire and Oral interview were used for data collection. 10 copies of questionnaire was distributed and collected, representing the 100% in analyzing the data obtained, frequency counts and simple percentages were used as statistical methods. The results obtained from the findings, revealed that various types of preservation and observation practices exist in Lira University Library; that despite the preservation and conservation techniques and practices available in this library; that library resources are deplorable in this library; that the academic Librarians agreed with factors necessitating the library in adopting preservation and conservation; that the academic librarians are merely satisfied with the extent under which preservation and conservation are applied to materials in this library; that there are some problems associated with preservation and conservation of library resources in this library; that many solutions were suggested by the academic librarians to reduce the problems faced in the preservation and conservation processes in the library under study. Based on the finding, it was recommended that the library should put into practice all the available preservation and conservation polices in the library; that regular power supply should be improved upon; sanctions among the librarians should be encouraged; training personnel of the library should be organized for the academic librarians; adequate funding and infrastructure should be given to the library users; proper cleaning and dusting as well as proper shelving of books should be given to library materials; eating in the library should be discouraged and regular fumigation of the library should be put into practice.