Analysing of school records management practices at Makerere Universty primary school
The study “Analyzing of School Records management practices in Makerere University Primary
School “Under this, the study objectives investigated the types of school records managed at
MUPS, the school records management practices in MUPS, the challenges of school records
management practices at MUPS and possible solutions for challenges faced in the management
of Records at MUPS.
The research methodology involved the adoption of a qualitative research design with a case
study approach. The study employed the use of interviews and observation to collect information
in relation to the research objectives.
The researcher used a sample size of 5 respondents which comprised of School head teacher,
secretary, bursar, School Librarian and class teacher. The study Research problem under
investigation was why School Records such as students’ files and others get lost, deteriorate
easily and take a lot of time to be retrieved. The study hoped to benefit researcher for the award
of the Bachelor’s Degree of Records and Archives Management of Makerere University. The
study findings revealed that records management practices in MUPS were not fully effective for
School records management. For example; Records were poorly disposed off, there was long
time retrieval of records and misplacement of pupils’ files. This was as a result of lack backups,
limited space or records management, lack of retention schedules and disaster plans.
For an improved level of School Records management, the study therefore recommends training
for the records management staff, especially on both paper and electronic records, development
of policies and guidelines on retention and disposal of School Records, purchase of modern
storage equipments and security of SRs at MUPS among others.