Efficiency of selected chemical pesticides in management of tomato pests and diseases in Uganda
Cultivated tomato (Solanum Lycopersicon L.) is one of the most important economic vegetable crops in Uganda. However, it is susceptible to several pests and diseases that constrain its production resulting into economic losses. Chemical pesticides constitute the key control tactics for management of pests and diseases of tomato in Uganda. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the efficiency of selected chemical pesticides in control of major fungal diseases and pests of tomato. The treatments included: Mancozeb 80%WP, Mancozeb 640g/kg +Cymoxanil 80g/kg mixture, Copper oxychloride and the untreated (control) for the insecticide trial. Treatments Azoxystrobin 250g/Lsc, Mancozeb+ Metalaxyl, Acetamiprid 20%SP, Carbaryl 7.5%WP, Abamectin 1.8% +Acetamiprid 3%EC mixture and untreated (control) were used for the fungicide trial. The major pests studied were bollworms, thrips, aphids, mites and whiteflies; while major diseases were late blight, early blight, leaf spot and viral diseases. Results of this study showed that different pesticides have different effect on the tomato pests and disease occurrence. Abamectin + Acetamiprid mixture and Acetamiprid were the most effective against field insect pests. The mixture of Abemectin + Acetamiprid increased tomato yield. Mancozeb 640g/kg + Cymoxanil 80g/kg and Azoxystrobin were the most effective in the control of fungal diseases.