Assessment of records storage practices and their effects on retrieval at Uganda Broadcasting Cooperation
Records storage and retrieving seeks to efficiently and systematically control the lifecycle of records that are routinely generated as a result of activities and transactions. Most organizations are continuously deploying integrated records management as a means of improving the decision making as well as service delivery quality. It is also generally recognized that at the core of the numerous complex organizational problems, is a poor capacity for records management. This research thus, attempted to fill this gap by assess the records storage practices and its effects on the retrieval of information at Uganda Broadcasting Cooperation so that public administration moves on smoothly at the national media house.
The study reviewed literature on the concepts of records, their forms as well as the lifecycle of records. It further outlined the benefits and challenges of records management.
The study randomly sampled 30 administrative staff comprising senior members, senior staff and junior staff from UBC however only 20 responded. Flowing from the quantitative nature of the research strategy, structured questionnaires were used as the sole data collection instrument and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data.
The major findings of the study revealed that; from the 20 respondents who responded to the questionnaires at UBC, most (70%) use both manual and electronic methods to store office documents. Furthermore, the majority (82%) of the respondents at UBC file their office documents on a daily basis. The results of the study also showed that most commonly used type of records kept at UBC is videos (42%). Additionally, the main benefit of storage practices at UBC is Quick decision making leads to the benefit of proper records storage (44%). Last but not least, the main challenge that workers face at UBC is insufficient space for records storage at UBC is a challenge (40%).
Last but not least, it is recommended that UBC needs to appoint more records managers whose responsibilities will be compilation, implementation, maintenance and utilization of approved filing systems and the records filed according to these systems among other responsibilities.