Organizational Learning, Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance
This study was aimed at finding out the relationship between Organizational Learning Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance. Where it was found out that there was a positive significant relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance in such a way that engaged employees developed psychological attachments towards the organization and therefore perform their roles with vigor absorption and dedication leading to outstanding organizational performance. Meanwhile the study showed that a negative significant relationship existed between Organizational Learning and organizational performance. This was so because investing in developing organizations human capital does not give the assurance that there will be improvement in organizational performance as workers may see it as a core instead of a reward especially if the employees cannot see how this learning is going to bridge their career gap. On the other hand, the study also found out that no significant relationship existed between Organizational Learning and Employee Engagement. This was so
because the knowledge’s effectiveness can be affected by turn over leading to organizational forgetting, the type of knowledge and the way it should be passed on [explicit and tacit] knowledge and how one feels towards their work and organization all effect their performance.
The objectives of the study were to find out how this variables influence each other.
The study comprised 50 respondents, both males and females were selected using simple random technique which gave each participant a chance to participate in the study.
The study also employed an exploratory survey design that was qualitative in nature to identify the relationship between Organizational Learning Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance.
Purpose developed questionnaires were used and consisted of Likert scale, which were distributed to the selected respondents, and after the questionnaires were completed, the gathered data was coded and entered into the computer.,
The data was then analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientist [SPSS] program. Frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the relationship between the variables.
This study therefore recommends that, organizations should put more effort and emphasis on engaging their work force to ensure that workers perform their roles with vigor dedication and absorption in order to be able to influence their organizational performance. This can be done through allowing their workers to be part of the organizations decision making processes, giving them opportunities for career advancement and giving them expert assistance at work.