Guidelines for provision of library and information science services in Onwards and Upwards Secondary School,Buloba- Wakiso
The project was about guidelines for provision of library and information science
services in Onwards and Upwards Secondary School, Buloba-Wakiso. The aim of the
project was to provide guidelines for effective provision of LIS services in Onwards and
Upwards Secondary school library. The study was guided by objectives such as: to find
out the services provided by O&U school library, to find out the challenges that O&U
library staff encounters in providing the services, and users in accessing the resources,
and to provide effective guidelines for provision of library and information science
services at O&U Secondary school.
A case study research design was adopted for the study so as to provide in-depth insight
about the study. A sample size of 80 respondents was taken for the study. The researcher
used questionnaire, interview and observation methods for collecting data.
The study resulted into findings such as the library Services provided by O&U school
library which included reference services, user education services, circulation services,
shelving among others. The study also found out the available library collection such as
textbooks, newspapers, box files, fiction books and others. Other findings of the study
included the challenges faced when providing library services such as limited and
irrelevant collection, inadequate furniture, inadequate reading space and inadequate
funds. It also included challenges faced by users in accessing the library services such as
delay in service delivery, inadequate materials, lack of requirements that is to say
Identification cards and others.
Suggested solutions to the challenges were also elicited from the study as some of the
respondents provided solutions such as building in monitoring and evaluation from the
start, allocating funds to the library, promoting library user inquiry before stocking,
provision of enough materials especially science subject textbooks, more library furniture
and provision of an automated System.Consequently, the project recommended that O&U
school library should adopt the guidelines given in ‘chapter 5’ in order to provide
effective services to the library users.