An Evaluation of the causes of urban sprawl and its implications on planning and management of Nsangi Parish, Kyengera Town Council
Urban sprawl is a common phenomenon associated with most towns in many parts of the world. Thus, Ugandan towns are not unique in this respect. The dissertation therefore sets out to investigate the causes of urban sprawl and its implication on planning and management of Nsangi parish in Kyengera Town Council. The study also goes further to identify any other types of development which contribute to the explanation of the present mixed pattern of development
within the Nsangi parish. Having analyzed these aspects, the study comes out with planning proposals for the whole study area. The study area has a total population of 14408 people (2014 Uganda Population Census). The major source of information in writing the dissertation was that obtained through field surveys carried out in the study area. Surveys involved interviewing people using a designed questionnaire. Informal interviews were also conducted. More information was obtained from government offices in Uganda. In treating the issue of urban sprawl, the general problems associated with it, are examined. The study stresses that in dealing with urban sprawl areas, consideration has to be given to the towns where this sprawl is originating. Similarly, the issue of urban sprawl is viewed in relation with the urgency of planning for this parish. While the study aims at discouraging urban development within Nsangi at this stage, it is felt that the area should be planned. In Identifying urban sprawl areas the following selected indicators are used; population growth rates and densities, commuter patterns places of work, Employment types in the area, occurrence of urban settlements and intensity of use of electricity. The study reveals that urban Sprawl influence from Kampala exists in the first six parishes immediately adjacent to the city. Different recommendations are put forward to help come up with measures in combating of urban sprawl.