Analysing records storage and retrieval at Kamwenge Secondary School
The study was carried out on “Analyzing management of records storage and retrieval at Kamwenge”. The objectives of the study were; To establish the current status of records storage and retrieval at Kamwenge Secondary School; to find out how records storage and retrieval at Kamwenge Secondary School is managed; to identify challenges faced of storage and retrieval of records at Kamwenge Secondary School; to make suggestions for the best practices in storage and retrieval of records at Kamwenge Secondary School.
The study used a case study research design. The study purposively selected the School Head Teacher, Secretary, Bursar, librarian, and class teacher. The researcher used a sample size of 5 respondents. Data was collected using interview, observation and document analysis.
The study findings about the revealed that KSS stores and retrieves different types of records which include: Application letters (registration forms), Case study forms, Admission registers, financial records, grade input forms, stock book and teachers marking guides.
KSS had no qualified records personnel, no proper records storage and retrieval management policy, poor storage techniques, Inadequate Storage Equipments and Inadequate Funding to buy more storage equipments and to build more storage facilities. This caused records to detoriate easily and delays in retrieval.
The study recommended training for the records management and recruiting more qualified staff, development of policies and guidelines for records storage and retrieval , purchase of more modern storage equipments by increasing funding and Establish an effective and clear classification scheme and developing a disaster management plan.