An assessment of the contribution of village savings and loan associations on the welfare of households: a case study of Kayunga Sub County, Kayunga District Mudiro Charles 12/U/25212 a Research
The study is about an assessment of the contribution of village savings and loan associations on the welfare of households in Kayunga district, a case study of Kayunga Sub County, Kayunga district and it was guided by the following objectives; to find out the categories of people involved in VSLA of Kayunga Sub County in Kayunga district. to assess the contribution of VSLA on assets accumulation among households, to assess the role of VSLA in enabling education and health of the households and to examine the challenges faced by VSLA in Kayunga sub county
The study employed a descriptive cross sectional study design using quantitative and qualitative approaches (mixed method approach) and a study population of 110 households and the sample size was selected basing on the criteria set according to Roscoe’s rule of thumb
The study results revealed that basing on an assessment of the contribution of village savings and loan associations on the welfare of households in Kayunga district, village savings and loan associations have greatly improved the welfare of most households in Kayunga district since most households have access to health services, meet their health bills, can afford more meals on daily basis, have been able purchase/ possess a number of assets like radios, phones, land, and livestock that were not there before, and can afford looking after their school going children by catering for their scholastic materials.
The study recommends that, the government should empower people especially women economically, this will help strengthen their financial base in terms of businesses and other investments thus increasing on their incomes hence leading to increased savings in VSLA, The government, NGOs, Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and other actors should carry out continued sensitization in communities’ o the benefits of VSLAs especially to men and the youth are not involved in VSLAs, and that the VSLAs should come up with means of increasing their finances. The people in VSLAs should develop approaches, strategies and activities that aim at empowering people economically. For example, they should have group investments such as providing catering services on parties, introduction ceremonies, and others in order to increase o their savings thus availing money for loans.