Preservation and conservation of teachers’ records at Mbale local government
The study preservation and conservation of teacher’s records was carried out at Mbale Local Government. Mbale District Local Government is a government aided organization which was formed in 1993.It is located at Maluku drive 2km away from Mbale town. The study was aimed at discovering the four objectives; to assess the activities carried out in the preservation and conservation of teachers records at the Mbale Local Government; to examine the causes of deterioration of teachers’ records at the Mbale Local Government; to assess the challenges faced in the preservation and conservation of teachers’ records at the Mbale Local Government; to propose strategies to improve the preservation and conservation of teachers’ records at the Mbale Local Government
The study used a descriptive analysis with the help of tables which were used to make meaning of the data collected. A sample population of 12 respondents was used including records staff, teachers and administrators, who were selected by means of purposive and simple random sampling
The study revealed that paper-based records were the most used for its user friendly, stable technology, durable and above all acceptable nature in Ugandan context. The study discovered that these records all are managed and stored under the same roof and same management team. Partially, principles of provenance and original order are applied to some categories of teachers’ records like administrative and legal records, while considering them to be more essential and regularly used.
Additionally, numerous challenges of records management like limited space, limited equipment and inadequate funds seemed complicate the application of proper records management at Mbale Local Government. The major solution to the problems and challenges faced included acquisition of large working space and allocation of adequate funds. With wide registry, records center and teachers records Center, proper and systematic management of teacher’s records can be achieved. Funding to acquire storage space, records management equipment and facilitate staff would help improvement of the current situation and general records management in the institution